Field Geology, Certificate

At a Glance: program details

Certificate Map

  • Location:
  • Additional Program Fee: No
  • Second Language Requirement: No
Enhance your prospects for geology-related careers, internships or graduate school with a foundation in field-based geologic skills.

Program Description

The certificate program in field geology prepares undergraduate students with the core knowledge base and field experience to identify, describe, collect and interpret a variety of types of geological field data.

Program Requirements

The certificate requires a minimum of 15 credit hours. At least 12 credit hours must be completed in upper-division coursework and at least nine credit hours must be completed at ASU. At least six upper-division hours in the certificate must be completed in courses offered by The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. A grade of "C" (2.00 on a 4.00 scale) or higher is required for each course used to fulfill a certificate requirement.
Required Courses -- 9 credit hours
Electives (choose two) -- 6 credit hours
Prerequisite courses may be needed in order to complete the requirements of this certificate.
Courses not completed at ASU must be approved for use in this certificate.

Enrollment Requirements

Students must complete the following prerequisite courses or their equivalencies with a grade of "C" or higher (scale is 4.00 = "A") to pursue the field geology certificate:

GLG 101 Introduction to Geology I (Physical) and GLG 103 Introduction to Geology I Laboratory, or
SES 121 Earth, Solar System and Universe and SES 123 Earth, Solar System and Universe Laboratory, and
GLG 321 Mineralogy and GLG 451 Field Geology I

A student pursuing an undergraduate certificate must be enrolled as a degree-seeking student at ASU. Undergraduate certificates are not awarded before the completion of an undergraduate degree. A student who already holds an undergraduate degree may pursue an undergraduate certificate as a nondegree-seeking graduate student.

Learning Outcomes

  • Interpret a variety of types of geologic field data.
  • Prepare an interpretive written and illustrated technical report based on a geologic map they develop from field observations and data collection.

Career Outlook

Graduates who have completed this undergraduate certificate have a strong, field-based background; this is required for many entry-level jobs with resource mining, geotechnical and environmental consulting companies. It is also a strong asset for acceptance to many graduate research programs in the earth sciences.

Career opportunities include:

  • geologic materials technician
  • geologic sample test technician
  • geoscientist
  • geotechnician
  • mining and geological engineer

Sample career settings include:

  • environmental industry
  • geotechnical industry
  • mining and petroleum industries

Example Careers

Students who complete this degree program may be prepared for the following careers. Advanced degrees or certifications may be required for academic or clinical positions.

Geological Technicians, Except Hydrologic Technicians

  • Growth: 3.1%
  • Median Salary*: 48490

Environmental Scientists and Specialists, Including Health

  • Growth: 6.1%
  • Median Salary*: 76480
  Bright Outlook

Geographic Information Systems Technologists and Technicians

  • Growth: 9.7%
  • Median Salary*: 98740
  Bright Outlook

Geoscientists, Except Hydrologists and Geographers

  • Growth: 5.1%
  • Median Salary*: 87480
  Bright Outlook

Atmospheric, Earth, Marine, and Space Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary

  • Growth: 3.6%
  • Median Salary*: 97770

Natural Sciences Managers

  • Growth: 4.8%
  • Median Salary*: 144440
  Bright Outlook

Petroleum Engineers

  • Growth: 2.5%
  • Median Salary*: 131800

* Data obtained from the Occupational Information Network (O*NET) under sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration (USDOL/ETA).

Program Contact Information

If you have questions related to admission, please click here to request information and an admission specialist will reach out to you directly. For questions regarding faculty or courses, please use the contact information below.