Water Resources, Certificate

At a Glance: program details

Certificate Map

  • Location:
  • Additional Program Fee: No
  • Second Language Requirement: No
Water resources are irreplaceable and under stress from population growth and climate change. Management of these resources is increasingly in demand from many perspectives. Acquire the fundamental knowledge and skills needed to manage this vital resource.

Program Description

The certificate program in water resources covers topics related to hydrologic science and their application to water resources management. The sequence of classes offered through the certificate program builds from a foundation in geological sciences up to water policy and design aspects of hydrology, as selected by the student.

Program Requirements

The certificate requires 16 credit hours. At least 12 credit hours must be completed in upper-division coursework and at least nine credit hours must be completed at ASU. At least six upper-division hours in the certificate must be completed in courses offered by The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. A grade of "C" (2.00 on a 4.00 scale) or higher is required for each course used to fulfill a certificate requirement.
Required Courses -- 10 credit hours
Electives -- 6 credit hours
Prerequisite courses may be needed in order to complete the requirements of this certificate.

Enrollment Requirements

A student pursuing an undergraduate certificate must be enrolled as a degree-seeking student at ASU. Undergraduate certificates are not awarded before the completion of an undergraduate degree. A student who already holds an undergraduate degree may pursue an undergraduate certificate as a nondegree-seeking graduate student.

Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate advanced understanding of the hydrologic cycle and the interactions among physical, biological, and chemical components of a particular geologic setting.
  • Analyze scientific data to quantify and make predictions about water flow at or near Earth’s surface in response to gravitational, atmospheric, topographic, and hydrologic characteristics of the medium through which it moves.

Career Outlook

With water resources jobs increasing at a rate faster than other job outlooks (up to 6% growth between 2022 and 2032, well above the national average of 2.8%, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics), the demand for individuals with industry-specific skills is clear.

Students who earn a certificate in water resources can advance their career and become more marketable to employers. Exciting career opportunities in this field exist within government agencies, private sector consulting, engineering firms and nonprofit organizations, though most career areas require more training than a certificate alone can provide.

Career opportunities include:

  • hydrologist
  • soil and water conservationist
  • water or wastewater engineer
  • water resources technician

Sample career settings include:

  • environmental industry
  • governmental agencies
  • nonprofit organizations
  • private voluntary organizations
  • regulatory agencies
  • utilities

Example Careers

Students who complete this degree program may be prepared for the following careers. Advanced degrees or certifications may be required for academic or clinical positions.

Civil Engineering Technologists and Technicians

  • Growth: 0.9%
  • Median Salary*: 59630

Conservation Scientists

  • Growth: 4.1%
  • Median Salary*: 64460

Environmental Scientists and Specialists, Including Health

  • Growth: 6.1%
  • Median Salary*: 76480
  Bright Outlook

Natural Sciences Managers

  • Growth: 4.8%
  • Median Salary*: 144440
  Bright Outlook

Water Resource Specialists

  • Growth: 4.8%
  • Median Salary*: 144440
  Bright Outlook


  • Growth: 1.5%
  • Median Salary*: 85990

Sustainability Specialists

  • Growth: 4.1%
  • Median Salary*: 75990
  Bright Outlook

Water/Wastewater Engineers

  • Growth: 5%
  • Median Salary*: 89940
  Bright Outlook

* Data obtained from the Occupational Information Network (O*NET) under sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration (USDOL/ETA).

Program Contact Information

If you have questions related to admission, please click here to request information and an admission specialist will reach out to you directly. For questions regarding faculty or courses, please use the contact information below.